Sports, in one form or the other has been a part of our lives since the time immemorial. If it's cricket in India, it's soccer in the European countries and maybe tennis somewhere else. You may even have a local sport that is the craze in your town. The point is, all of us have been immersed in the world of sports at some level or the other, as an integral part of our lives. However, most of the times, sports are considered merely a physical exercise, which helps you keep active and your body fit. The reality is, that it's much more than that.
Let's have a look at 7 things that sports teach us, consciously or unconsciously!
Physical Strength
Sports are essentially very closely associated with bodily fitness, its strength, flexibility, and stamina. No matter which sport you pick, it may be intensive to physical fitness, or may not be very much intensive, but basic requirements of fitness are the prerequisites for every sport. Once you align yourself with a sport, physical activity becomes an essential part of your routine, and it teaches you to be strong and fit.
Discipline and Hard work
Discipline and Hard work are what you will have to put in, regardless of which sport you pursue. These virtues from the baseline requirements of every sport, and they will find a way to teach you this. Starting from something as basic as getting up early for practice every single day, to putting in sweat and blood on the field, one would never know when one becomes an incredibly disciplined and hardworking individual while pursuing sports.
Competitive Spirit
Competition is the essence of every sport - you are always fighting it out to win, and never to lose. This spirit of succeeding at any cost instills in an individual a competitive bent of mind, which is one of the most important virtues to live a great life. Every time you go to the court, regardless of whether you win or lose, you return as a more competent sportsman. Despite the fact that sports are ought to be set up in a highly competitive environment, this competition is always good spirited and never gets bitter. This is a classic example of how sports teach you things in the best possible and balanced out ways.
Endurance & Perseverance
While sports teach you that winning are important, and that's what you have to achieve every time, it also makes it clear that you are not going to win every single time. It teaches you to handle defeat with grace, and most importantly, never to give up after a loss. Take an example of a successful sports personality; you can always track down a long history of failures and defeats that eventually lead to the success. That how they became so great. Patience, perseverance, and endurance are what makes you great and keeps you alive in sports, and that's true for life as well!
Mental Strength
While physical strength is the active part and prominently visible face of sports, what keeps going passively at the back of it is a transformation change in the strength of the mind. The logic is simple - sports are all about the adrenaline rush, so it also teaches your mind how to handle that rush effectively. Further, in simpler words, sports tells your mind how to withstand extremely stressful moments and not break down, how to make crucial decisions in the fraction of a second, and how to build strategies that are unbeatable.
Leadership & Teamwork
Not all, but most of the sports comprise of teams. Its team practice together, it's teams who fight matches, and it's always the teams who win or lose. Whether the team is of two or twenty individuals, it teaches you more about teamwork and leadership than anything else would ever do. Sports give you opportunities to take charge of things and lead, as well as to take instructions and follow. It allows you to mingle with people, and understand diverse points of view.
Ethics & Integrity
Whenever someone is expected to show the traits of good behavior, tolerance, large-heartedness, what do we call it? Show some ‘sportsmanship’! Well, sports involve certain moral high grounds which become an integral part of the life and conduct of each and every sportsperson. There are several instances and gestures in a sporting environment that call for a display of these virtues and hence sports teach individuals to be nice individuals along with being excellent players.
It is a hard fact that sports are essentially about a lot and a lot of physical activity. But as you may be convinced by now, the scope of sports is definitely not limited to it. While sports play on your physical fitness, it teaches you the formidable virtues of discipline and hard work, puts in you a competitive spirit, makes you appreciate perseverance as a life trait, strengthens your mental abilities, and raises you as leaders and team players, while also upholding the ethics for you.
So, what say? Isn’t a sport much, much more than the physical activity? When are you hitting the field, then?Also read about:
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