Cart abandonment is a major concern for online companies as it affects their profitability adversely. To solve this, companies world over are using different methods some of which are explained below for your ready reference. While all the methods are shown here produce great results, you don’t have to take all of them to improve the cart abandonment figure in your online business. Choose only those that you find work perfectly with your online retail set up and give you the maximum benefit.
Different ways to reduce cart abandonment
1) Use e-mail retargeting method to reach out to your customers:
E-mail retargeting is a great method in solving the cart abandonment issue to a great deal. In this method, you use cookies, embedded in your email message which will show the advertisement of your product whenever the customer browse the web. This will help a great deal in improving brand recognition of your product in the minds of people. Make sure to send this email within 24 hours of cart abandonment for a greater impact.
2) No hidden cost on products:
It has been observed that customers get irritated when at the time of payment, they see a bunch of extra costs added to the product which they are buying from the online retail store. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to tell them about any extra costs at the start of the process itself when they are looking at the product (it can include about tax, shipping charges or any other extra charge). This will give them an idea of how much the product is going to cost.
3) Put to rest fears of online shopping:
Many people who use the online route to buy some product fear that the site they are accessing may not be secure or the quality of the product they are buying from that website may not be up to the mark. Therefore, use analytics to look into their past activities and figure out what are their prime fears while buying goods online. Once you have identified these fears, then it becomes easy to figure out how to assure them about your reputation, so that they can buy from your website with complete peace of mind.
4) A simple sign-up the process:
A lengthy sign-up process is a great irritant if you want to attract people to your website. Nobody likes to waste their time filling long forms with personal information. You should, therefore, make it easy for people to sign up to your website by using social platforms like the Facebook or Google account. This will make their sign up easier and in return, it will give you a host of information about the customer (through their social media site) that you can use for targeted advertising strategy to attract him to visit your website again.
5) Make sure that your checkout process is simpler:
Checkout process just like the check-in process is very important to attract people to your website. Make sure that the customer has to do minimal interaction with your website for checkout. When you perfect this process, you will find that the cart abandonment in your e-retail site drops sharply.
6) Show the progress of their process through a bar or other animation:
While buying goods, the customer likes to know how much time it will take to complete the process. They will not wait endlessly (especially teenagers). Therefore, use a progress bar or cute looking animation to inform them about the stage at which their process is at, and how much time it will take to complete the transaction.
7) Display Call of Action signs prominently:
Make sure that the call of action signs that you put on your website is both simple and prominent. This will prompt your customers to buy something from your website.
8) Make the buying process interactive:
It is a good idea to make the buying process more interactive for the customers. For that, you can use the help of AI that will look at the choices the customer has made and show him other choices that are either similar or complementary to the good that the customer is trying to purchase. This will give the customer more choices and your cart abandonment rate will also come down sharply.
9) Provide live chat option to help the customer:
You can offer a live chat service to connect more personally with your customers. Many a time a customer may be a little confused about the choices that he/she should make when buying a product. At this time any help (from chatbots) will be a great help in giving them the option to buy a product.
10) Provide a section for testimonials and reviews:
Using testimonials from reputable websites as well as reviews of other customers will go a long way in convincing a client to buy from your website. Therefore, make it a point of putting all the testimonials and reviews of other customers in a special section that the other customer can use.
11) Help the customer in making comparisons through different tools:
Many a time a customer abandons the cart because he/she could not make up their mind whether the product they are buying is right one or there is any other product which is better. To help them, you can put in a comparison section, wherein the customer can compare various products and only after knowing the pros and cons of various products buy the one that gives them the best bang for their bucks.
12) Provide good return policy:
Put in a good return policy to attract more customers to buy products from your store. As many people feel a bit suspicious of buying goods online, providing them with a good return policy (within a limited period) will help them to make up their mind about buying goods from your website.
There are also many other ways to reduce cart abandonment rate, but these are the proven ways which will surely reduce your cart abandonment rate in your eCommerce store.
Apart from this, if you are interested to know how to create the best eCommerce app then you can check it on eCommerce app guidelines article. This article will clear all your doubts and it will surely give you more information about an eCommerce application. Thanks to Guru Technolabs.
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