Schools are said to be the first learning institutions where we will get all kind of knowledge positive or negative. A child is developed in the schools mentally and physically. In schools, there are different types of courses which are subject oriented and also their some which are focusing on the extraordinary talent of the students. So many programs are organized and planned in the schools which have a deep positive impact on the students. And it is really useful in their future professional life.
As we know the world is changing new ideas and new developments are made ways are given to revolutionary thoughts. So we must prepare our children to stick in this competitive world. And we know now the world mainly based on business. A business which is family business, partnership business and there is a single handled business which is known as entrepreneurship. Where no any partner loss and profit is single handled and managed.
So we must include an entrepreneurial course in our school curriculum. Because we know to be an expert and successful entrepreneur we must possess certain qualities and ability which people lack. So schools must be able to produce and make students understand them about the quality and skills which are needed to be an entrepreneur. So I believe that such courses must be encouraged and included in schools and colleges.
Will Encourage Students
At first, students will not have an idea of what is meant by entrepreneurship. They will be blank in such topic. So if we include entrepreneurship as a subject or course in schools and colleges the individual will be able to understand the idea of entrepreneurship. Only spreading knowledge is not the responsibility of the educational institutions they must be able to prepare the students for their future career.
Theoretical knowledge is just the basic for every individual's life but apart from that skill-based learning is also very important. If one family running a family business the child from that family must know the basic idea of business and the tactics used in entrepreneurship so by involving entrepreneur courses in college's people may be encouraged and will wish to follow the path by understanding its skills theoretically and also practically.
Face challenges and problem-solving skills
By encouraging such courses in the college's students will be able to understand the complications of the field. They will get to know how to handle the challenges and how to solve problems without running from that. In some cases, people get stressed and tense when the business does not go according to their plane so by involving them in practical sessions and group activities they will understand the skill to handle and be there in problematic situations.

. It's really important because we know the world has become very competitive one especially in the field of business and marketing so such thoughts and positive ideas can be given through this course which is really essential in one individual life.
By involving them in discussion
To enhance the quality of entrepreneurship in students mind first every teacher must encourage them to share their ideas and thoughts related to the certain matter. If they are not happy with any rules regarding the college they must be asked to present alternative ideas and solution for that particular complaint.
. So the teacher must encourage students to come up with new ideas and the way how it can be executed because it is the main quality of an entrepreneurship if something is not working or going wrong he must understand it and come up with new planes and the ability to convince other in executing the plane. The main thing is the quality of presenting one's viewpoint related to the particular matter. Then only he can be fit in the business field. Complaining is not the matter in the discussion the high light must be a skill of problem-solving ability.
Understand the future career opportunities
Every student must understand the future job opportunity related to entrepreneurship. If one individual has all the quality but not have a clear idea about the future opportunities so knowledge must be shared to the students. As we are living in a technological world and world has changed a lot and mindset of the people changed a lot so every single individual must understand whether I am capable of this field and whether I have the skills of that particular profession.
. So it helps students to evaluate themselves and understand their positive side and negative side and in what field they have to improvise their ideas so such knowledge will help them to fix a career option.
By encouraging entrepreneurship in schools and colleges the students will be able to understand the ideas related to it and they can plane according to that whether they want to be involved in the business field and create their own company. So by that, they will get a clarity related to the profession and they will understand the quality which is important to create a company and will help them to prepare for future opportunities.
My name is Cheryl Craft I have been in this writing career for the last few years. Write my essay is a really good platform for freelance writer and fresh writers. It really encourages writing our thoughts and ideas.
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