Hoda Muthana, an Alabama woman of the United States left her country at the age of 19 and traveled to Syria for joining ISIS is now regretting her decision and begging to come back to her home.
Hoda Muthana, an Alabama woman of the United States left her country at the age of 19 and traveled to Syria for joining ISIS is now regretting her decision and begging to come back to her home.
As per World Economic Forum, there are some emerging technologies that have a higher impact on society to give a smooth and successful shape to the future. From personality development to enhance living standard, these technologies are playing a vital role and providing and digital environment to all so that all can have an easy lifestyle. Here, we are telling you about a few such technologies that can make your future life more comfortable.
Sports, in one form or the other has been a part of our lives since the time immemorial. If it's cricket in India, it's soccer in the European countries and maybe tennis somewhere else. You may even have a local sport that is the craze in your town. The point is, all of us have been immersed in the world of sports at some level or the other, as an integral part of our lives. However, most of the times, sports are considered merely a physical exercise, which helps you keep active and your body fit. The reality is, that it's much more than that.
A migraine is a type of severe and painful headaches. There are many reasons for a migraine. However, researchers do not have any definitive explanation but some of the main reason are a central nervous disorder, irregularities of blood vessel system or vascular system, and abnormalities and imbalance of brain chemicals or the pathway of nerves.
Though the main cause of a migraine is still unknown it is found that genetic and environmental factors are the major cause of a migraine. When there is a change in the brainstem and there is some imbalance in brain chemicals a migraine occurs.