Forty is the new thirty! Yes! We have finally learnt the art of pushing everything almost a decade back, almost. Career, marriage, babies, and the list goes on except possibly health! The human body still clocks you as 40 years no matter how hard you try to prove otherwise.
Even if you do the activities you did when you were 20, it is unlikely that the body is going to support you in the same way. The thought is a depressing one but it also provides food for thought.
Sports, in one form or the other has been a part of our lives since the time immemorial. If it's cricket in India, it's soccer in the European countries and maybe tennis somewhere else. You may even have a local sport that is the craze in your town. The point is, all of us have been immersed in the world of sports at some level or the other, as an integral part of our lives. However, most of the times, sports are considered merely a physical exercise, which helps you keep active and your body fit. The reality is, that it's much more than that.